Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pip Squeakers

Any parent of an active toddler has asked this question:
"When should my child start wearing shoes?"

There is no clear consensus. Many parents buy shoes as soon as their baby pulls herself into a first tentative stand; others wait as long as possible, preferring not to constrict their child's feet. Kids will need shoes when they are ready to start walking around outdoors. You will want something that protects your baby's feet but still allows for some flexibility.

Make an effort to get shoes your child likes. Noisy shoes are always a favorite. Get International Shipping of Squeaky Shoes at PipSqueakers.com even if you live outside the U.S.! Pip Squeakers make a squeaky sound when your child walks, much to the delight of the wearer. It encourages them to move, walk and explore their surroundings. Children enjoy creating the amusing sounds with each step. An added benefit is safety: the sound allows parents to more easily track the movements of their toddler and keep them close by. To learn more (or see a video) about this cute and noisy footwear, be sure to check out the Pip Squeakers web site.

Even though I live in Vancouver, I was able to easily set up International Shipping of Squeaky Shoes as well as a couple other items utilizing a US Address with Bongo International. Bongo partners with PipSqueakers to deliver baby products globally. Most US retailers do not offer international shipping so this is a very useful service to know about!

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